Oh, dearest flip-flops....we have had many great times together. I thought that you would be with me forever, but alas, you have finally broken.
A gruesome scene, indeed |
You may think its weird that I have decided to dedicate an entire post to a pair of sandals, but let me tell you, these are no ordinary flips. When I moved into my college dorm five years ago, one my first tasks was to walk to The Hill and purchase this delightful pair of Rainbows. I wore them everywhere. Rain, snow, or shine, these puppies were pretty much glued to my feet. They were with me during early morning chem lectures, and late night benders. I took them on countless camping trips, backpacking through Moab, and of course, on all of my spring break adventures throughout Mexico and California.
Beauty, in its purest form |
My flips were there to cushion my steps as I ambled about campus, sheisty house parties, and the beer soaked floors of many a bar. They accompanied me on a two thousand mile journey to Rothbury, Michigan, where they gladly accepted all of the the abuse that my wild dancing could deal them. In fact, those of you who know me well know just how crazy my fancy feet can be, and my Rainbows never missed a beat. Clearly, these flips where with me when I expanded my mind through textbooks, and when I expanded my mind through...ahem...other means. A pair of flip flops that survive four years of college are impressive enough, yet these particular ones have been through so much more. They were my companions on a life-changing voyage around the globe. According to my sources, that works out to around 28,178 miles, give or take a few hundred. They have trekked through the sands of the Sahara, climbed the steps of the Great Wall, explored the hectic streets of Tokyo, and rested themselves on the shores of Hawaii. I am sure that the dirt, smell, and essence of India will forever be caked in the cracks and crevasses that have developed on their soles throughout the years. They have seen the far corners of the world, as well as the absolute center (0 degrees latitude and longitude). In fact, they have been loved so much that one can clearly see holes where my big toes used to rub.
Physical evidence supporting the theory that I am always on my toes |
My flips supported me as I received my college diploma, when I stood in my cap and gown, surrounded by my friends and classmates during a sunny day on the grass of Folsom Field. Their final journey consisted of a month-long backpacking trek throughout Europe. One last hoorah to cap off an amazing four years of adventures. The Rainbows spent their last days frolicking about a Boulder summer. They eventually gave out on a drunken dance floor on a warm evening in July. My dancing had finally proven too much to handle.
In all, the sandals have trodden on the soil of 18 nations. With each step, I gained knowledge and insight about myself and my place in this world The person who bought these shoes five years ago is much different than the person who is retiring them today. When I wore them, I was constantly looking to the next step, always excited about what I would discover next. For the past few months, I have sat and reminisced about the past and the places my flips have been. I woke up this morning and realized that I really have nothing to look forward to in the near future. You would assume that that would be a depressing thought, yet strangely, I felt free. Indeed, an ideal moment to officially let go of my flips. If I have learned anything over the past five years, its that life is about living in the moment. Next spring, when I buy a new pair of sandals, I will be sure to appreciate every step. No matter where your journey takes you, embrace life fully by being present, and be thankful for the companions on your feet. They will take you wherever you need to be.
I'm sorry that this blog has remained so quiet over the past few months. I suppose that I have recently rediscovered my inspiration. I have been slowly getting used to living in one place again. Home finally feels like home again, and its good to be here. I promise to keep on posting, and next time the topic wont just be about an old fucking pair of shoes. As always, keep on rambling. Now get off the internet, put your flips on, and go outside for Christ's sake.
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